
Customer reviews: D-Link AC3200 Ultra Tri

D-links is terrible. I have tried it. It cut my download speeds down 40 Mbps on every device. Even the one assigned as the highest priority. UI Each one has ...

D-Link AC3200 Ultra Tri-Band Wi

They mention that it offers admirable performance, with no lagging, buffering, or stuttering. The speed is never an issue, and it allows them to stream movies ...

D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi DIR

2015年3月10日 — The D-Link DIR-890 is without doubt a good high-end Wi-Fi router, having three things going for it: a great design, fast speeds (both Wi-Fi at ...

D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi Router (DIR

2015年3月13日 — The Bottom Line. The D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi Router (DIR-890L/R) is a massive tri-band router that delivers incredible throughput speeds and ...


2023年7月31日 — The D-Link AX3200 Smart Router R32 has a lot of good features and the fastest Wi-Fi 6 speeds under uncongested conditions. However, weak ...

D-Link DIR-890L AC3200 Ultra Wi

2016年9月17日 — With wireless performance off the charts the DIR-890L AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi by D-Link is not just looks.

D-Link DIR-890LR AC3200 Ultra Performance Wi

2015年6月25日 — D-Link's DIR-890L/R is an amazing looking solution and while it didn't carry top tier performance in our testing, it is a reliable solution ...

D-Link DIR-890LR AC3200 Ultra Wi

2017年4月12日 — The D-Link DIR-890L/R is a middle-of-the-road tri-band router that certainly stands out thanks to its glossy red shell and massive ...

D-Link DIR-890LR AC3200 ULTRA Wi

D-Link's DIR-890L/R AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi Router has an eye-catching design, but doesn't outdo other AC3200 routers.


D-linksisterrible.Ihavetriedit.Itcutmydownloadspeedsdown40Mbpsoneverydevice.Eventheoneassignedasthehighestpriority.UIEachonehas ...,Theymentionthatitoffersadmirableperformance,withnolagging,buffering,orstuttering.Thespeedisneveranissue,anditallowsthemtostreammovies ...,2015年3月10日—TheD-LinkDIR-890iswithoutdoubtagoodhigh-endWi-Firouter,havingthreethingsgoingforit:agreatdesign,fastspeeds(bothW...